Top Rated Sativa Stains of 2023

View our most popular, best selling sativa dominant flower for 2023. Sativa has primarily an energizing effect, helps you focus your mind, and calms you down for anxiety. If you are looking for a burst of energy and creativity or need help improving your concentration-a Sativa dominant flower may be the answer you are searching for. 

How to Choose the Right Sativa Flower:

Calming Effects: Indica strains are more “knock you out,” whereas Sativa strains are more “calm you down.” Few Sativas are 100% free of Indica genetics, so what matters is that all of these Sativas give you the famous Sativa high without the Indica pressure.

Focus and Concentrative Effects: Many people today suffer from ADHD. Others, especially long-term Indica marijuana users, may experience short-term memory loss. Some users claim that particular Sativas can help them better focus on work.

Enhancing Creativity Effects: Creative thinking is a gift and a pleasant effect of Sativa cannabis strains. But not all Sativas have the reported “creative spike,” except a handful of our selected cannabis strains.

High THC Sativa: High THC is not necessarily a determining factor since some great cannabis Sativa strains have little THC content. But we do watch the THC levels to pick the strongest Sativa strains for experienced users.

Strain Reputation: While we love all the experimental Sativas out there, we simply have to award extra points to the most popular, well-known, and beloved cannabis Sativa strains out there - as decided by overall reputation, customer reviews, and “cannabis legend” word of mouth.